Pioneering German School in the North

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What People Say
How real people said about Gottes Segen

Miss Sachiko Isobe
To work in Germany as a nurse, learning German language is an absolute requirement for visa and nurse license, as well as a key for successful career development and daily life in
Therefore to choose the school for our candidates is one of the most important job for us as an agency. By visiting the school, taking with the management and students, we are
convinced that our candidates are at the good hand at Gottes Segen.
Gottes Segen is a quite established school, but still open to new ideas and suggestions. The school is constantly working for the improvement. What always impresses me at each visit is, the devotion and dedication of teachers. Besides, each staff cares about each student all the way from the beginning to the end, treating like a family member. In result, the low dropouts rate and high passing rate.

Donna Millan
If you’re looking for a school that can fully support you on your way to grabbing that B2 certification, then Gottes Segen Language Tutorial Center is a really great choice. Not only have I enhanced my German language skills, I have been confident and enthusiastic since the teachers are so passionate and they keep a great rapport with the students. I have benefited enormously from this education that focuses not only on learning a new language but meeting people that are travelling the same journey as me. It was a worthy time for me. Having approachable admins also made it easier for everyone to find comfort in studying. Hoping for more members to join and succeed in this family just like I did.

Manilyn Ringor
Learning the German language may lead you grasping at straws and so choosing the right school is a great consideration. Gottes Segen made it possible by providing useful materials, different teaching techniques and fun-filled activities within and outside school. It encouraged me to push through, indeed my success is theirs. Thanks Gottes Segen family.

Faith Pumihic
The german language is not that easy… Manytimes in the midst of learning, I feel frustrated and on the verge of giving up, but I did not! Thank you classmates for the encouragements. Most essentially, thank you for our supportive teachers and staffs, who push us up to our limits.Thank you Gottes Segen for not giving up on me.

Theresa Bhukan
What can i say about Gottes Segen german language tutorial center? Excellent! Why? Because they do not plainly teach d German language but the school empowered us humanly as care providers, as responsible workers and as a trustworthy fellow. During my stay with the school, the administration, teachings and the classes were all outstanding. The teachers, were great, friendly and approachable. What I loved the most about them is when they give their best to explain the answers and problems. We had so much fun while learning and were able to build a close friendships with each other as a class. We ate a lot and cracked some jokes too in the classroom. Moreover, the school is very inspiring due to their endeavour of helping the needy. Indeed, Gottes Segen is a God centered institution which made it the greatest of all the German lanfuage schools.
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